4. Metrotown (Burnaby) - Alright, so going there excessively gets overly redundant. I mean, if you really don't feel like shopping, watching a movie, arcading, or partaking in the sparse amounts of quality food services in the area, what else is there really to do? Nevertheless, it's always fun to roam around the crowded hallways and take a couple of dips into some stores that make you drool (*cough* Underground *cough*), but unfortunately there isn't much else to do here. I suppose this makes it on my list because it's an apt reminder of my childhood. To this day, I can still remember driving for a long time to a big mall, looking at the flashy signs that promoted Toys R' Us and Zellers and wondering, "What is this big, lit-up place?"
3. No. 3 Road (Richmond) - Going to Richmond? This is the place to be. The food, the bubble tea places, Richmond centre, Yaohan centre, random banks, and large furniture stores, all located on one convenient street! Unfortunately, it's kind of dirty, polluted, disheveled by the Canada Line construction and somewhat frightening to walk on... but other than that, nobody can resist the cooking dim sum (especially the baozi!) enough to drop by this road!
2. Stanley Park (Vancouver) - I'd have to say that this comes in rather closely with my number one favourite destination in Greater Vancouver. Stanley Park is just such a beautiful place, with all the trees and... more trees... and I suppose that's all I can really say about its beauty. Walking down the seawalk, avoiding all the rollerskaters, children and bikers, certainly is an awesome thing to do during the summer. However, biking or jogging down it (something that I have yet to really partake in that much (but that's going to change soon!)) is an even grander experience, and that places Stanley Park at a very close position to first on this Top 5 list.
1. English Bay (Vancouver) - Yes! Yes! Yes! What could possibly be better than the beach? Of course, you better hope for near-perfect weather before going there, since a rainy beach is both disgusting and depressing. However, around the summer, simply lying down on the sand and soaking up the sun OR a stroll with friends down the walk is pretty much overly awesome. Perhaps I'm just a little biased, but I really love the beach... haha. Plus, it's got a view of the coolest penthouse ever: the one with a tree! *squee*
And this just makes me want summer even more. Just 160 days left... I can make it... ><