Ahh, the feeling of
post-trip lethargy... It's a sort of laziness and melancholy mixed in with each other. Basically, what happens is I come home from a trip and feel kinda sad yet somewhat tired, and although I have stuff to do, I don't feel like doing it. How bad it is depends on how good the trip was. If it was crappy like Idaho, I'll love being home. On the other hand, if it was awesome like Whistler just was or Cuba, then I'll be pretty sad to be home. Home may be where the heart is, but it's also where all my work is.
I guess Whistler was a much better trip this time around, even though the rooming arrangements were kinda... sad. Luckily, since I have my new work-like-a-dork attitude, when they all ignored me in one room, I was able to pull out biology or French and do it. Yes, it does sound sad, but it is true. Once, they had a deep guy conversation in one bed for about 4 hours, and I did a paper 1, an AP French essay, and read some French mags. Because I'm cool like that.
Today at school, I passed by a sign that had a countdown until the 31 Hour Famine.
That's the day right after our French exam.
11 days. 1.5 weeks.