Monday, August 24, 2009

Not happy

Today was not an entirely happy day, even though I wholly thought it would most definitely be. Let's see, where shall I start?

So I drag myself out of bed at around 7.30am and start getting ready to head up to SFU for volunteering. I still felt unnaturally cold (despite it being summer) and I was slightly dizzy, but I thought I'd be alright later. Wrong.

During the camp, I felt really dizzy and somewhat woozy most of the time. I couldn't really think or talk straight, and by noon, my throat was so dead I ended up sounding like a druggie when I tried to discipline some of the kids - not one of the most effective methods of action.

When I left at around noontime, I was feeling even worse, but I still had my N test to go. After I finished eating lunch, I wasn't feeling too hot, but drove down to the ICBC office to find my teacher for one final lesson. During the lesson, I was doing okay, but there were still a couple of things that could've led to my potential fail.

Th exam was, however, a whole different story. At first I felt somewhat confident, but I was yelled at a WHOLE lot. Oftentimes, it was mainly stuff like turning too slowly or not going when I had a good opportunity. My examiner seemed rather grumpy, and I thought I was gonna fail for sure. He touched the wheel three times, which I thought was supposed to be an instant fail, but somehow I still made it; he wanted to swerve to avoid some shirtless guy, I tried to turn into a lane where a bus was waiting, and he randomly helped me with some turn. When I was stall-parking, I also hit the rock at the end of the stall, which was also supposedly an instant fail but somehow wasn't. In fact, I didn't even get that many demerits - and they were all for the rather little things too, like I forgot to scan the intersection when I drove through one on a green light once. Then, at times, I drove too slowly too - like what the heck, if the speed limit's 50km/h, what's the problem with 48? It's close enough. He didn't notice when I went 60km/h because he was, guess what, too busy yelling at me. Luckily, by some miracle, I still passed, and it wasn't even "barely" either, which makes me lololol a lot. Normally, you'd think this would be a happy thing, right? Wrong, again.

I got in the car afterwards, but I was in pretty bad shape because of my sickness. My mom told me that I actually had a fever, but she had lied to me before the test so I wouldn't feel nervous. I asked if I could go out and drive to "Metrotown" (lulz) but she said no because I was sick. This brings to mind two major grievances that are spoiling my should-be happy day.

Let's start off with the biking. We've been planning this thing for like what, all summer? It had always been one of us that couldn't go, and this time, it was me. The difference was that I found out I couldn't go about one hour before it was supposed to start. Last night, I didn't think I'd be this sick; I thought I could probably still go, but I guess not. How did I even get sick anyways? It completely makes me feel horrific, and I know they must be super pissed at me now... I hope everything works out in the end. I'm semi-glad that I can rest at home and perhaps get better, but I still feel SUPER SUPER SUPER bad for bailing. :( Oh man.

The other issue is about how I can't drive until my parents buy me a smaller car, which apparently isn't gonna happen until I go to university. I won't even bother "yelling" on here, but it makes me very, very, very, very, very, very pissed. It's wholly UNREASONABLE. My mom thinks I'll go wild and that she'll always be worried that I might kill myself or the car or something. Apparently Anne's mom's (sigh) friend's child ended up with lots of minor accidents (ie. running into posts, failing while parking) when they got their N. It's wholly unfair to judge me according to them! My mom seriously can't expect me to get HER to drive me around EVERYWHERE for the rest of my life. Sure, maybe not when I'm sick like this, but seriously, she can't be serious. I'm not gonna Skytrain for the rest of my life, especially when it's inconvenient for me to do so (ie going to school - which I can't even do! Like wtf?!). Ugh. Doesn't passing my Class 7 test and having my N mean that I'm qualified enough to drive around without being a total hazard on the road? I'd like to think so, right? If I had to express my feelings without actual words, I'd use this: ADKFJOHASDJFHADSO;F'JADGHSK;FGADS

Wow, I haven't blogged like this for a while now, eh? Guess nothing too big was happening in my life anyways. This just makes me... super pissed. And I still feel like crap from being sick AND bailing AND not being able to drive. :( Tears.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Isn't it super rude when somebody brings up something, asks you if you know about it, and then refuse to talk about it after if you don't?

Just a thought.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Ugh, I'm in so much pain right now! I must be out of shape or something... My feet KILL and my legs hurt so badly. Maybe I pulled something? :S I just blame it on all the walking around we do everyday, haha. But then how do the kids survive it? :/ Strange. SFU Volunteering is exciting, but I kinda miss last year's crew (well... maybe). It's still pretty fun though, despite the pain and the yelling at bad kids. Some people just don't know how to keep up properly in line! x_x I hope I'm doing a good job as a volunteer so I don't get a totally fail eval like my first one with music camp HAHA. I semi-doubt it given something I might've heard today, but who knows. =

On the other hand, I've barely touched my IB stuff except for the English books. Gonna finish up Dante tonight and start on Milton tomorrow.. woohoo. T_T I don't even want to start History, looking at it makes me tired.

Weird stuff happening tomorrow, I hope it goes well, doesn't fail and doesn't end up having bad stuff, haha.

Monday, August 17, 2009

What happened today

Child: What do we draw on this folder?
Me: A picture of your favourite volunteer *points to self*
Child: Andy!!
Other Child: Andy!!
Me: Do you have a favourite band or artist?
Child: Yeah, Andy!
Other Child: Andy!!!
Me: Well, I am in a part of a duo with my friend called ANDORIA...
Another Child: Oh really? What do you do?
Me: I sing, dance, piano, and my friend plays drums and guitar and bass and stuff.
Half of the children: DANCEEE FOR US!!
Me: No no you guys must behave first. :)


Child: Do you have a favourite singer?
Me: Yeah, my favourite singer is Mariah Carey!
People in vicinity, campers and volunteers alike: EWWW!
Me: Whaaaat -
*cell-phone starts ringing; Obsessed ringtone plays*
Other volunteer: WELL TURN IT OFF QUICKLY!!
Me: *frantically manages to make the ringtone stop*
Me: Um.. I'm gonna go to the bathroom now... :)

SCAMPS '09, GT'S :)
(general population: wtf is scamps?)

Friday, August 14, 2009


It's been fun, but it's time to devote my time to something a little more worthwhile.

On the other hand, I just can't let you go. It's like an iron-clad grip enclosed within my mind. My thoughts will drift towards you until my being succumbs, and I just have to go to you.

Yet I can't.


Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Big Beeg

Hello world,

I just wanted everybody to know that Gloria is the biggest beeg on the face of this earth, which is already covered in beeges. She is so beeg-like that when she stepped out of her house, she was beeg-slapped by ten non-beeges. She sucks so much that I personally think we should make a vacuum cleaner out of her, even though she causes more hot messes than she could ever possibly clean.

That is all.
Photograph of a beeg

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Summer To-Do List

Maybe I should actually blog one day.
  • Atwood poems
  • Blake poems
  • Holy Sonnets
  • Dante
  • Milton
  • Dubliners
  • History IA
  • EE - Research, start draft
  • Study math
  • Edit TOK essay
  • Write beginning parts of bio lab
  • Think about TOK oral
Hard to do when you're addicted!