Friday, April 30, 2010

It's May tomorrow.

I've separated my work areas. Now, my bedroom is specifically for History and English, and my other room is for the sciences and math. I'm pretty sure I've spent more time preparing to study than actually studying.

Last day of high school today. As cliche as it sounds, walking through the halls of the high school for the first time in Grade 9 really did feel like yesterday - a very long day of happiness and sadness; peace and conflict; relaxation and stress. I suppose I'll miss it, but I am more than ready to finally move on.

4 days left until I pass through those gates;
11 days left before I cross the river Styx;
19 days left before I climb up Satan's back to see the glittering stars shining again...

Thursday, April 29, 2010

You know you're IB when...

You know you're IB when you procrastinate from studying history by studying chemistry and biology instead.

12 days left... I wish I had better memory retention for history. :(

Last day of high school tomorrow, woah. I'm sure photographs will be taken, but unfortunately, I'll probably look like a half-alive wraith in most of them as a result of my severe lack of sleep.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Oh, boohoo.

I swear I forget the things I read for history two minutes later. It doesn't really stick in my head when I'm trying to cram the history of the past century into my head in the span of about two and a half weeks.

FML. I wish the clocks would stop ticking.

Friday, April 23, 2010

11 days?

ready for hell, hell;
No, for hell, hell no.

The majority of people who try to talk to me about non-school stuff at the moment amuse me. Do you honestly think I care right now? Nope.

Monday, April 19, 2010

The Limits of Mankind

It's time to see exactly how much the human mind can handle.

2 weeks.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

To-Do List: Extreme Version

Just because I need to.
  • Finish up biochemistry option unit for Chem
  • Review all of the non-human physiology units for Bio
  • Start studying for History Paper 2
  • Assemble and prepare notes specific to History Paper 3
  • Math May 2002 papers (maybe) 
  • Update English notes
  • Finish memorizing Milton lines and begin memorizing Donne
  • Practice with an English Paper 1 (maybe)
  • Write SFU cover letter
  • CAS forms

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


I'm quitting Facebook for now. I came to the realization that opening Google Chrome every 5 minutes to go stalk pictures of people, trade ingredients with myself or comment on their statuses for hours on end wasn't really the best use of my time, especially since exams are coming up in less than 4 weeks. After all, there are some people who can survive without having one completely, right? They're not exactly dead from deprivation yet, so I'm guessing I'm not going to die by not logging on for a single month. Thus, I have bid farewell to the blue and white and greeted my semi-colourful textbooks with half-opened arms. I'm sure it can't be that bad... I'll just have to find a better way to kill time when my mind does burn out every few hours. YouTube, Blogger, Twitter, "the N-game," and MSN are still open to me, anyways. Here's hoping that abstinence truly is the best policy.

Keys together, abstinence!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

I'm just being me.

So instead of doing anything that's actually productive, I made MSN display pics with all of my textbooks.

Happy studies, folks.