Sunday, February 28, 2010

But I loved cheering on the streets.

Ahh, the Olympics are ending today. :( Booo! I guess all great "parties" have to end sometime. I must say that I wasn't really looking forward to the whole thing that much, but once it started, I really found myself getting into it. I'm going to miss watching the hockey games (gold for Canada! Woooo!), cheering randomly on the street, going into spontaneous renditions of the national anthem everywhere (even if they were sometimes too high), and all the buzz and excitement throughout the city and the entire country. All I'm left with now is my boring old school-obsessed life; what an excellent trade-off. :(

One thing that I'd have to admit is that all this hype about Vancouver really makes me want to stay here for quite some time. I still haven't really decided which university I want to go to, but UBC definitely just got some plus points over the past 2 weeks. :D Unfortunately, my work ethic took an extended break; it's hard to get motivated when I'm trying to watch some Olympic event that's (lagging) on some website.

Wow, the closing ceremonies starting in 5 minutes. It's totally a bittersweet event, both celebratory and remorseful. We'll be recognizing the most exciting two weeks in a while while also bidding it farewell. Despite all the controversies, deaths, dramatic moments, and fighting, I'm really going to miss these games a lot.

Ah, life's gotta move on at some point. Nevertheless, as cheesy as it sounds, I will definitely walk away from this experience with the patriotic sense of national pride, which has totally been induced into me. Go Canada Go!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Olympic Break To-Do

Oh yes, one of my infamous to-do lists. Seeing as how I've been feeling overly lazy and being extremely forgetful lately, I really should make this:

Olympic Break To-Do List
  • UBC Scholarship essay/application 
  • Some other scholarship application
  • History Arab-Israeli Timeline essay
  • Math matrix review/November 2007 Paper 2
  • English Chaucer Notes
  • Chem Design Lab
  • Study new bio unit
  • Start studying for finals?
And of course, I'm trying to beat Zelda (LOL) and go out more at the same time. Furthermore, I'll probably end up getting up no earlier than 12pm everyday for the next 2 weeks, too. Let's see how the next few days go... 

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wow, I really do complain a lot on here.

I don't really have anything better to do right now, so I guess I'll blog.

Last week feels like it lasted forever, yet now it's nothing but a blur to me. For some reason, writing my World Literature 2 assignment made me feel really disorientated; the 1,500-word essay was all that I concentrated upon for a week. At least I'm done now, but I'd have to question the quality of what I wrote. Sigh.

I submitted my application to the McGill major entrance scholarship on Sunday, a day before it was due. I figured that there wasn't really a chance of me winning it anyways, so I finished it rather hastily to try and get it out of the way. If I were to get it then that would be awesome, but I think I'll try for the UBC one a bit more. Why, oh why did he have to go to the UK? Now, I'll have to find somebody else to do my non-academic nomination form, but who... Who should I even get for the teacher's one? There are a lot of possibilities, but I feel as if they may be whittled down quite easily, especially considering that there's a section for which percentile the student's in. Hmm...

Gosh, nothing interesting ever happens in my life that's really (publicly) blog-worthy. Everyday, I go through the same cycle of going to school, going home and trying to do homework while feeling exhausted, and feeling guilty for not exercising and... other stuff. While I'm thinking about that "other stuff," I realized that I should probably go discuss that at some point, but some unknown force, which is probably my conscience or extreme awkwardness, makes me hesitate and decide against it. Ahh, my life.

At least spring/Olympic break is coming up soon. I'm somewhat regretting not getting tickets for any Olympic event, but it'd probably be awkward and overly rowdy anyways. I'm going to make a vow with myself to try and go out as much as possible during the break, but considering how difficult getting around will be and the fact that I haven't even started studying or compiling notes for my IB exams yet, I don't really see that happening, despite my fervent hopes.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Everything fades to black

Last night, I failed at sleeping again. Earlier that evening, I had already learned to accept the inevitable in that I probably wasn't going to be able to sleep for quite some time, especially given that I had slept at 4am the night before. With this in mind, I attempted to get some quotes from Dante for my World Lit essay, but I ended up spending hours on Facebook and YouTube instead. I have no idea what's wrong with my motivation. Usually, the guilt from not doing work and wasting time always got to me, and I was always able to make myself accomplish things with that in mind. However, the guilt seems to be have been displaced by the sheer width of all the things that I have to do in the next little while, particularly all the scholarship applications. Sigh. With the great expectations that come with exceptional blessings, the pressure is accentuated to an unimaginable extent. I honestly don't feel as if I could live up to the "role" that seems to have been bestowed up on me. Sigh, again.

Back to my sleeping issues: I attempted to call it a night at around 2:45am, but I didn't actually end up falling asleep until 5:30am. Needless to say my hours of slumber were extremely fleeting, and it felt like I had just managed to fall asleep when I was promptly awoken about an hour and a half later. Joy. I attempted to caffeinate myself, and although I no longer felt tired, I didn't exactly feel that great either. Physical health issues aside, I can't help but turn to the spiritual aspects of my insomnia. The last time I had such an epic failure in slumber, I could feel that God was trying to tell me to do something that was vital to my relationship with Him; something that I had lived with for years, but never managed to shake off. Although I may have succeeded in climbing out of that pit for a short while, I fell again, only to land at an even deeper depth than what I was at before. I can only wonder what God's trying to tell me this time; a similar message, I'm sure, but who knows.