Tuesday, February 24, 2009


So last night, I was randomly perusing my iPod when I went on to the "Notes" section, a place I never usually go to. However, there was this mysterious new file named "BACKUP.TXT." I open it, thinking that it's some sort of technical jargon or something, and I get this:

Hello Andy,
I have taken your iPod and inserted a bug that will force it to become slow and shorten the long term battery of your life as an experiment.
Don't ask how, I just have.
You'll see the results, and so will I.
Neat, hey?
Have fun!
BTW, who I am, is for me to know and you to find out.

Well, the last bit is overly helpful isn't it?

Now, where the heck did this thing come from... Could it have been from when my iPod got stolen last June during the Year-End Concert? It somehow ended up at the office a week later with no more battery life...

This is just really weird. And kinda stupid. I don't have time to find somebody who already knows who they are; I have to do about a week's worth of math homework because of Idaho.

On the other hand, my iPod has been lagging a LOT lately... but I thought that was just an iPod Classic thing; apparently they're all like this. Plus, how will this person see the results of their twisted experiment?

Ah, well. Maybe somebody will see this and tell me who it is (ha!).

But, I think I have some enemies somewhere. First my calculator got stolen, then my iPod got stolen, then a few months later my e-mail gets hacked... c'est très bizarre...


"*cough cough* I'm sick!"

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Ugh, I do not feel so hot. =( Yesterday, I went to the doctor's and apparently I have a chest infection, and that's why I've been having my "death cough" for the past 2 or 3 days. =P I got some antibiotics that should make me better, but who knows?

Everybody's telling me to rest, so I decided to stay home today so I don't spread my death cough (even though I already have) and perhaps my body will be able to fight off the infection. Apparently, I'm not allowed in Biology anyway if I still have my death cough - which I most certainly do!

The problem is, I had 4 test/quizzes today: Math quiz, finish my French Paper 1, English essay, and Biology quiz. Then tomorrow, I have another Biology quiz, and on Friday, a Math test. I don't even know how I'm going to prepare for all that, since I don't know when I can reschedule them to. =/ Oh, and I'm willing to bet good money that we're getting MORE French papers. Joy.

Oh well. At least it's better for my health to stay home and just rest. Maybe when/if I get better, I'll be able to become much more efficient (ha!). Perhaps I can give deep, critical thought and thinking to areas of my life that I've missed before because of school. Then again, these antibiotics I have to take have some pretty scary side-effects that range from diarrhea to hallucinations to nightmares, so we shall see. So, off to doing... nothing...

...until after 2pm! =)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sick forever

Urgh, there's so much stuff coming up soon. I was going to deal with some of it this afternoon, but all I've really done is sit around in front of my computer on Facebook and reading blogs.

The thought of due-dates really freaks me out. History practice IA due on the 13th, Math portfolio due next Monday, Extended Essay topic chosen by next next Wednesday, French oral next next Wednesday, Mansfield essay this Wednesday... It's just so, ahh, where do I get the time to do all this? ;_;

I can't believe I've been sick for like, three weeks now. Last night, some Cantonese contractor people climbed into the ceiling through a hole in my ceiling, so my mom opened my window to let all of that bad air out. Unfortunately, it was 11.30pm at NIGHT so air of about 1 or 2 degrees flew in. Now, I officially have the cold AGAIN, along with a cough. =( My head hurts from all of these cough drops... I really should stop anyway; they're not working that well anymore.

Anywho, I should really return to reading history and looking for a primary source or two for my topic. Hopefully I get better soon...

Monday, February 9, 2009

Giving His life to set this world on fire

I've decided I'm going to use exciting song titles as blog post headings now, since obviously I can't think of any good ones besides "..." or "" or something. So, IOP FINALLY FINISHED TODAY. It went well... except I might've read too much... I tried to look at him during my prsentation so that when he was looking at me, I was looking up too. =) I know, I'm so delightfully devious, aren't I? Another thing that could've been better was when I lost my place when a certain somebody came in! =( At least I wasn't crazy coughing like I was during waiting time. I'm just glad it's finally OVER! I find out my mark tomorrow; I probably got like 5/30 or something. =( Everybody else's has been totally crazy, so I'm totally paranoid now. =S Ugh,

Well, time to study biology now. I hate the heart now.. even though I can't live without it, LOL. I guess that's what physiology does to me... Ah, well. I'd rather take this over math; I'm really beginning to doubt that I actually got mid-90s for Math 9-11; I can barely do anything now. =( I fail, yes.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


I'm so tired. Currently memorizing French, but I keep forgetting some things. Seriously, I should pick up the pace on French more. Hope this skit tomorrow goes well... =D

Anywho, report cards today. No more headmaster's! I was so sad. =( Instead, I got a bunch of 6s and 7s. And 100 in bio. =P I calculated my average for the heck of it, and I got 92. LOL.

Yes, my sad IB life where I blog only about school. Well, what else is there to talk about? We're actually almost done Group 4... It's gonna be such a relief when it's done, haha.

We dissected a pig's heart today. It was gross and stil lhad bits of blood, especially when you poked a blood vessel. Now, there's blood in my course companion. T_T Great. I put tape on it.

Guess I should practice French a couple more times and then go to bed. Sleeping early today - mots likely accomplished! =) I'll practice more in math and before school tomorrow I guess.

Until then: who knows what a disco stick really is? I am taking all theories. Maybe it's her staff, to rule her musical empire (ha!).


EDIT: If you haven't noticed, I can't really type coherently right now. Mmmhmm.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Wasting time

Well, I was going to do some French/English tonight, but I might just recite my English thing again before I go to bed. :P For whatever reason, my apparently fobbiness prevents me from speaking coherently. That, or it's just my elastics. Hm.

Tomorrow, I have to actually review French, English, Biology, and do Group 4 stuff. I can't believe it's due in... less than 2 weeks! Guess I better pull some weight this week, next weekend and next week to get it done ASAP. =/

AHH semester 2 soon! Well, I don't envision it being that bad... history and biology have less classes, chem can't be that bad, I've already done math 11 so math SL can't be that bad. Maybe I'm just being optimistic? Who knows.

I'm being totally pressured to do the SATs as of now. My parents really want me to go the states, but I honestly don't have time to do SATs; I'm stressed enough as it is, sheesh. And if I don't make it into an Ivy League, where am I supposed to go? Some state university? No, thanks. I'd rather just stick to the home land strong and free (aka Canada, foo), you know?

Perhaps a fantastic revelation will come to me as I attempt to fall asleep.