Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Ugh, I'm in so much pain right now! I must be out of shape or something... My feet KILL and my legs hurt so badly. Maybe I pulled something? :S I just blame it on all the walking around we do everyday, haha. But then how do the kids survive it? :/ Strange. SFU Volunteering is exciting, but I kinda miss last year's crew (well... maybe). It's still pretty fun though, despite the pain and the yelling at bad kids. Some people just don't know how to keep up properly in line! x_x I hope I'm doing a good job as a volunteer so I don't get a totally fail eval like my first one with music camp HAHA. I semi-doubt it given something I might've heard today, but who knows. =

On the other hand, I've barely touched my IB stuff except for the English books. Gonna finish up Dante tonight and start on Milton tomorrow.. woohoo. T_T I don't even want to start History, looking at it makes me tired.

Weird stuff happening tomorrow, I hope it goes well, doesn't fail and doesn't end up having bad stuff, haha.

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