Saturday, December 19, 2009


I'm brushing my teeth and typing at the same time. It's somewhat failing.

When I woke up this morning, I had another nosebleed. >< At least this one didn't interrupt my slumber in the middle of the night. My mom told me the Chinese cold medications that I had been taking makes your nose dry in order to counter nasal congestion, so that was probably why I kept getting nosebleeds randomly. I think the loss of blood affected me a lot in chem because I started feeling super dizzy throughout the entire class. By lunch I was fine, but it was a weird feeling of weakness.

Today was Christmas spirit day. I came in a green sheet and tinsel and tried to laud myself as a Christmas tree, but I gave up and instead passed for the "ghost of Christmas present." T_T

I went and talked to him about my essay today, particularly why my "language" criteria was so low this time around. Were my fob days returning? He said that he might've marked me too hard on language, but my essay's flaws were a lack of flow, vagueness in some of the things I said and repeating myself. He also mentioned that it wouldn't affect my predicted mark too badly because all the other important things I had done had been "good," including (surprisingly) my IOC. I guess I should stop worrying... Hopefully my next essay doesn't end up like that, too.

When I came home, I wasted time playing Sims, but I think some external force wants me to do more productive things and kept giving me problems. In the meantime, I cleaned out my drawer, and it was an intense experience. I always throw random things in there like pieces of paper and other small trinkets, so I ended up uncovering a lot of those today. I certainly keep a lot of... crap. Yes. It was dusty.

I then attempted to practice piano, but I feel asleep three times. The first time was I went to the couch to take a break, but I ended up falling asleep. After that, I'm pretty sure I fell asleep while playing a slow-tempo prelude. The final and most sounding time was the third, when I put my head down on the stand and completely fell asleep. When my mom woke me up 10 minutes later, I started playing again, but I had unknowingly drooled in my sleep (yes, I do that; my mouth hangs open). As I played, I noticed something wet on the keys, and... yeah. Ironically, I felt much more awake afterwards, although I still felt completely horrible for the rest of that piano practice. :( I hope I don't get owned in my lesson tomorrow. After that, 4 hour daily practice sessions, here I come.

I'm glad it's a work Christmas break now, though. :) Time to work on my EE for every possible moment sleep in and cherish familial time. Harhar.

I've added reaction labels now, so my blog stalkers readers can anonymously tell me about what they think of my lame posts on my mundane, IB-absorbed life, which is stuck in paralysis. So far, I have 3 for lame, 1 for interesting, and 0 for wow!. I guess that's to be expected when I all I blog about is nothing. Oh well.

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