Thursday, December 17, 2009

Sleep, chief nourisher in life's great feast.

I am really, really mentally exhausted right now. I should probably be doing my TOK essay instead of blogging, but whatever. Yesterday, I changed my layout again - I'm swear I'm OCD with it or something. Now, it's a lot more basic and cleaner... In a way, I kind of like the whole "back to basics" approach, even though some people might think it's boring. Nonetheless, I didn't particularly like how so many other people had it too; it was time for a change. :P

Today was an okay day. At 4:45am, I woke up to discover that I had left the TV on. I closed it and fell asleep again, but at 5:45am I woke up and found myself having a nosebleed. I swear it was that "humidifier" my dad bought; I'm guessing my huge headache last night was from that too. In history, I ended up falling asleep and completely losing consciousness. Usually, if I fall asleep in class, I'll still be semi-awake and still know when he's talking or not. Today, I awoke to find him standing pretty close to me talking about the Russian counterattack on the American naval blockade during the Cuban Missile Crisis, but I was completely disorientated. It was weird, and I ended up falling asleep again afterwards.

Last night, I worked for 6 hours to finish all the English stuff, so now I have to do the same for my TOK essay tonight as well as practicing piano for 2-3 hours (sigh). Crunch time pretty much starts right around... now. Why am I blogging? Who knows. I guess it gets my brain waves active, so that's a plus.

I suppose I should do something now... sigh. This is why there's really no point in me blogging; all I ever do is talk about IB, as demonstrated by the label. IB, IB, IB, why?

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