Monday, October 5, 2009

I don't know.

I just don't.

I wish I did.

I wish you knew.

It seems like life is a culmination of various different paths in the forest. They may all lead out of it, but the experience you get from doing so will inevitably vary depending on the decided pathway you choose.

Some are undoubtedly going to be more overbearing, dangerous and treacherous than others.

However, the important thing to remember is that no matter which road we take, we will always eventually end up at the end.

It's times like these when I have to remember to disregard fate and hold tighter to faith to guide me through this "forest" of my life. Whichever path I take is in His ultimate plan, and I just have to trust Him to guide me through safely.

What are my shadows? Indecision. Insecurity. Failure. Rejection. Isolation.

Yet they're all there, overshadowing the light. And it's times like these when I just have to wonder: "why."

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