Sunday, February 1, 2009

Wasting time

Well, I was going to do some French/English tonight, but I might just recite my English thing again before I go to bed. :P For whatever reason, my apparently fobbiness prevents me from speaking coherently. That, or it's just my elastics. Hm.

Tomorrow, I have to actually review French, English, Biology, and do Group 4 stuff. I can't believe it's due in... less than 2 weeks! Guess I better pull some weight this week, next weekend and next week to get it done ASAP. =/

AHH semester 2 soon! Well, I don't envision it being that bad... history and biology have less classes, chem can't be that bad, I've already done math 11 so math SL can't be that bad. Maybe I'm just being optimistic? Who knows.

I'm being totally pressured to do the SATs as of now. My parents really want me to go the states, but I honestly don't have time to do SATs; I'm stressed enough as it is, sheesh. And if I don't make it into an Ivy League, where am I supposed to go? Some state university? No, thanks. I'd rather just stick to the home land strong and free (aka Canada, foo), you know?

Perhaps a fantastic revelation will come to me as I attempt to fall asleep.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my god. First you sold your soul to IBO. Now you're selling it to ETS to take the SAT. Oh Andy. Maybe your soul has been broken into dozens of little pieces because you've been making horcruxes so now you can afford to give them away. Now there's a thought!

    By the way, enable Name/URL as a comment option! My blog needs more link-loving lol.

